Sunday 26 October 2014

The Tower - September 22

I loved the Tower of London the first time I visited it, and honestly I enjoyed it just as much the second time around. There is no other place to feel so in touch with the history of England (except perhaps Hampton Court).

Here are just a couple of images of my visit there.

They are commemorating the first world war with ceramic poppies in the outer bailey/moat area. It is truly a remarkable sight - that sea of flowing red tumbling down from the tower curtain wall over the berm.

Of course the White Tower is iconic to London and the "Tower" venue.

There are all these chicken wire animal sculptures that now replace the zoo that used to be in the tower.

One of the towers has a lovely film and slide show about the tower during the 19th century and the Duke of Wellington and his presence in the tower (especially the rebuilding after the fire of 1841).

It was quite the tourist site. Wellington stationed men there. The film showed images from his funeral procession.

The half-timbered houses lodge the Yeoman Warders and are guarded by the bear-hatted Queen's guard.

They force the ravens to live there (and clip their wings)  since the legend says England will fall when the ravens leave the tower.

Here is the portcullis in the Bloody Tower.

This is where Sir Walter  Ralegh was held prisoner. This is his desk and the window to the left was one that was replaced while he was resident.

I saw this funny tattoo while there. It says, "It is very difficult to keep the line between the past and the present." It's a quote from Edie Beale.

This was one of Henry VIII's suits of armor. Much kingly armor is stored and visible i the armory including some pretty ornate stuff from Charles II etc.

This seems to be some kind of war monument comprised of various kinds of weaponry and armor.

I liked this little brick building on the grounds even though I have no idea what it houses nor how long it has been there.

They advertise a dungeon with torture chamber, but there is not much down there. This is one of the few instruments of torture you can see on the Tower grounds.

This Yeoman Warder gave the best tour!! He was funny and earnest and I could understand what he said! He really deserves kudos.

Yes, iconic, I know!

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