Wednesday 22 August 2007

Minnesota Renaissance Festival

More images from the Fair:

Beware the fairy telling tales:

What secret just passed between these two?

Ye old cell phone - instrument of the devil?


Anonymous said...

I love seeing them walking around with cell phones and pagers. So authentic!

neroli said...

hee hee!

dieter said...

I have only surrendered myself to the mobile/cell phone this year, I did have an old one that was never used and only brought this new one to appease other’s, I am not a technophobe, I have and use things like computers digital cameras etc, I just do not see the need for me to be contacted 24/7 (slang yuk) I have a land line and email that should do for now. It irks me to see people with what appears to be a serious problem, they can’t go five minutes without checking to see if they missed a call or during a conversation answer the phone and just start talking, leaving you sitting there mid sentence.
And that’s all I have to say about that ..Forrest Gump :-)

AfKaP said...

Doeter - When I was in Australia I had a mobile because I was responsible for 25 students. It all depends on what you need it for. Because I live in the country where I could be stranded or in need of help, I always keep my mobile with me. I am not one of tose who talks on it all te time - but it also allows me to talk with free nigt and weekend minutes with my family who live far away.