Thursday 9 August 2007

Four Images for Your Consideration

More tests have occurred. First, this is an image with the smaller cheaper S10 camera. (Can't complain about it - it is pretty darned good! I recommend the S10 to anyone who wants a high quality point and shoot camera with many options.)

After that you'll find different apertures from the new Nikon D200 camera (F9, F 4.8 at a faster "film speed" (ISO 200) and finally F4.8 at a (s)lower "film speed" (ISO 100) Unfortunately these were all taken on the vivid setting which I've decided I don't love. (It basically hypersaturateste image).:

As you can see, the depth of field gets better (the detail gets clearer from front to back as the aperture gets smaller.) I used autofocus on all of these images, but will experiment with manual very soon!


Nessa said...

Wow, that 4th one looks almost 3D.

AfKaP said...

Alas, I still think the cheap camera version looks best!!

Anonymous said...

Those are saturated. But cool! Love the purple and green.

neroli said...

I like the "non-cheap" images better: with them, I perceive a dialogue between artist and color that's pretty darn interesting...because the talk starts at color, and goes to shape/form, then back to color as the colors dictate the push/pull of the forms, and then goes to balance from the push/pull...
just like any good conversation, it's never about just one thing.
But you know best what it is you want to say!

dieter said...

I think you can get great results with the auto settings.I was told by a photographer its all about light and shade.Personally if I manage to get what I shoot in focus its a big plus.The colours are very vivid and the beauty of digital is if its notb to your liking you can take another.