Sunday 19 August 2007

Jeepers Creepers

Here is a recent shot with the new camera of a coleus in the garden. (All pictures in this blog entry are mine).

And then, a propos to nothing ... My sister has noticed that the peepers that had been singing regularly during our evening phone conversations have stopped peeping. We wondered where they were. I guess they've curled up and gone to bed:

Here is a closer view.

Coming soon - pictures from the Minnesota renaissance festival....


ChrisB said...

The 'coleus' is a beautiful colour.

neroli said...


Pamela said...

what an absolutely gorgeous froggy.

we put some tadpoles in our pond hoping for the best.

haven't heard a croak.

Anonymous said...

Now I lay me down to peep.

AfKaP said...

Chris B - Can't take credit for the colour (althoough I did tweak it a tiny bit!

Neroli - ;-}

Pamela Your tadpoles all croaked? (Couldn't kicj the bucket - they have no legs.)

Min- Ceci n'est pas une peep!

neroli said...

ceci n'est pas un peep!---y'all are *hilarious*!

mindy said...

i love that frog. it's beautiful!!
so are the pics...