Sunday 5 August 2007

Buff Happy Internet Users?

There's a joke that was going around a few years ago that suggested that a world without men would be full of fat happy women. I think about this more than I care to admit, I often seem to discover that many of the bloggers out there are heavy women, like myself, who find a sense of commnity and worth in a world where we are judged by our words rather than our appearances.

This idea of community comes into conflict with things I have learned and read about, and on days when I have a natural tendency toward depression, I fight with a fear that biology is destiny. Why am I veering off into this despondent-prone area you might ask and I would reply that I've noticed a propensity to gain weight over the last few years that corresponds precisely to the amount of time I have been spending on the internet.

Marshall McLuhan, famed Communications genius, suggested the medium is (makes) the message. This means just as electricity has the message of life (and cultural change ) that does not sleep because it allows us to work at all hours, folloowing this logic, so too would the internet mean a life full of flab because it allows us to be sedentary for long protracted periods of time. (To be more fair to poor old Marshall - he thought television would provide the "global village" allowing us to be in contact with all parts of the world and form a hapy, tuned in community. In my more optimistic moments i believe this is what is happening with the internet!) Of course the fat is just a bonus! (A bonus that demoralizes me).

At even more melancholic times, I return to the biology is destiny paranoia that was spurred on by the research of my best friend Linda Mealey (about whom I wrote in In Memoriam. )

Although the joke suggests that women "maintain their figures" in order to please men, Dr. Mealey's research suggested quite the opposite. Her ethnological work told a story of males competing (biologically and unconsciously) to produce the maximum numbers of offspring, while women competed against other women (again unconsciously) to be viewed as desireable partners to this male pursuit. Her work with bulimic and anorexic women suggested that the worst thing to do was to put them together in a group because they would then feed off of an innate competitive drive to be thin and desireable. Her research also suggested that it is women who look at and judge other women. That woman dress and look sharp for and because of other women (and not in that community oriented, nurturing stereotype of women that is so beloved.)


I dispute this of course - and in my balanced moments remind myself to be thankful that Freud came along and gave us repression (and of course the church gave it to us long before that.)

This is a good thing, because it reminds us that we do not have to act on our innate desires and that we are mostly better off when we use thoughtful control over our urges and think about others in the process.

So when I put all these ideas together:

Sedentary internet use making us fat,
Women judging women
and the ability to resist our biological programming and then I look at (or think about) my own experience...

I decide to believe that we can make informed choices about how much to use the inernet and how to judge the people with whom we interact, therefore the internet is not simply a gathering of fat, happy women (and men) and even if it were (cause what is wrong with that really?) we are a supportive community regardless of our appearances and biological biases. I love the community offered by this new communication tool - I will myself to spend less time on the net so that I can stay healthy and fit, but I embrace the interest, kindness and concern that has been shown by the people whom I have met, read and who read my blog. I was touched by all the people asking if I was okay after the bridge collapse and the number of bloggers who wrote to find out if Bart was okay. Whatever our tendencies, urges or prejudices, the internet has reconfirmed to me that people are basically caring and kind and that if we take time to get to know each other good things happen.


laurie said...

ah, honey, i've seen pictures. you're not fat.

and it's true that sitting around on the web means time not spent biking and playing tennis and running. (not that i know how to plan tennis. not that i run.) but we also just get a little heavier as we age.

walk bart every day, eat well, drink a lot of water, and don't stop blogging!

(ps i wrote about this once, too, though more flippantly and less thoughtfully than you. go here if you're interested.

ChrisB said...

I have for many years struggled with my weight, and I recently read an article that suggested are weight is influenced by that of our friends. If friends are overweight we find our own over weight acceptable. I'm not sure if I agree with this. However I do know my weight gain gradually started when my work became progressively sedentary. This culminated in the 5 yrs where I spent a lot of the time on the computer working from home. I told myself this would change when I retired but of course I'm now a blog addict so still spend a lot of time at the computer and the pounds are still creeping on. I would like to loose weight for 'myself' so I should opt to spend less time blogging and more time excercising-but although my head tells me this is the right thing to do I would miss all my 'virtual' friends and so the battle continues I suspect I know which will win !!!

Nessa said...

Before the internet I preferred activities I did while sitting (mostly reading) so I have always struggled with my weight.

I walk in the morning so that the activities I like are like rewards. I have to force myself to move.

I think women are hard on women. As I've gotten older, I try to be easier on myself and others. I find that giving myself permission to have whatever I want reducing my need to binge.

I think most men are not nearly as critical of women as we are of ourselves.

I don't pay any attention to any of my thoughts during the ten days before my period unless I find them valid during the rest of the month. Severe depression is not the time to be thinking; D

AfKaP said...

Laurie - I'll keep at it!

ChrisB - I know that research and it is not as clear as the researchers would have you think.

GN - I think you are right and give god advice!

laurie said...

in answer to your question, i reached a compromise: i still blog in the mornings before work, but i no longer skip the morning walk. the morning walk is the best part of the day for me--i love being out in weather, almost without exception. i love to walk. i love being in the park. it's quiet, reflective time in nature before my very urban day hits.

so i usually blog before that, or afterwards while i'm eating my oatmeal. and i am learning to blog in the evenings, too.

i don't do intense exercise like tennis or aerobics, but getting outside and moving around every day is crucial to my mental well-being.

Beccy said...

What a thought provoking post.

My fitness has definitely declined and I've put on a bit of weight but I'm planning to change that in September.

It's so easy to blog for another few minutes which can turn into hours...

Anonymous said...

You are a total babe, but I understand completely what you are saying. I need to get my flabby hiney off the couch and outside more. It's way too easy to get lost in the internet.

captain corky said...

I just love sitting down to the computer and reading blogs while I eat my, breakfast, lunch and dinner. ;)

Anonymous said...

I wish there were one clear cut easy answer... your right though there are alot of amazing and kind people on the net!!!

Anonymous said...

This is much too thought provoking to comment on. So many thoughts will not fit in this little text box. The whole "what men think vs. what women think...etc" doesn't matter as much as what you think about yourself. Unfortunately this doesn't make it any easier to live in a society that pressures you to look a certain way. The health and happiness issues are much more important.
As far as Marshall goes, I think that T.V. has contributed to global community happiness almost as much as it has taken away from it. So on that front, maybe it comes out even. It has contributed to global fattiness...if in no other way than by allowing fast food enterprises to get their message of global love out to the masses in the most reliable form of love and comfort in the world...empty calories and fat.
(Did I digress just now?)
I think it's a little early to say where the Internet will take us, but I think that individuals like yourself see the warnings and perhaps will be able to steer around the inherent entropy factors of a geek lifestyle. Instead maybe as individuals we will also be able to focus on some of those unifying factors that you spoke of.

Mischief Monkey said...

Purple is the 2nd best colour!!!!!!Orange is the best!!!!!

AfKaP said...

Good for you Laurie - and as for seeing pictures - I've controlledthem and disguised them very carefully and most of them are old!

Beccy - Yup - just one minute more (abouot three hours ago!!)

GN - Like you - I love those sedentary activities - but I never sat so still for so long before the web - even knitting or weaving requires getting up for a piece of yarn or a marker or something or even stretching!

Thanks NIkki, we all are!! Do get some exercise- it makes one feel so much better!!

Corky - Hope you don't eat all the while you blog - If I did that I would definitely have a worse weight problem!!

AfKaP said...

Wolfbaby - including you!! It is great to meet you!

Min - Its not so much what men and women think - but to be free of worrying about the opinions of others would be a very strong person indeed. Yes on Marshall - but of course he is not concerned with what they say on TV but only the direct effects of the actual medium - nonetheless part of the message is expecting to be able to do things from one's arm chair (or one's armchair in one's car so we get the same fast food message without the words and jingles! And I'm STEERING!!!

Mischief Monkey - I'll have to work on that - I love Purple, but Orange is a really hard step for me!! I like blue!

Tiggerlane said...

FAT? Puhleeez....

And I agree about women competing w/women. There is a new study that says if your friends are fat, you are more likely to be fat as well. Same for spouses.

Can't figure out why I've got a 135-pound husband and I'm 140 pounds...maybe b/c I spend more time on the 'net!

neroli said...

Dear Artist, you so thoughtfully wrote:

Whatever our tendencies, urges or prejudices, the internet has reconfirmed to me that people are basically caring and kind and that if we take time to get to know each other good things happen.

Good things happen.
Keep reminding yourself, accessing that knowing---for when you feel more human than usual---as we all are wont to do!
I do believe the point you discuss is true--that women demand more of their physicality in appearance than do men--Snowy's been telling me that for years.
Good things still happen.
Take it a day at a time, the fitness of it all. (Even an Artist such as yourself doesn't paint completely in a day: you're doing it bit by bit, yes?)
Good things happen.
Beauty always comes through.