Sunday 10 June 2007

Sweeping the Floor

I've been doing some mental housekeeping. Buddhist teachings tell us to be mindful in our work, that sweeping the floor and weeding the garden can be as meaningful as meditation. I have noticed lately (especially since the arrival of my new camera) a certain tendency to rush through the words in order to present my pictures. The words have become the menial housework of the blog, so that I can luxuriate in the production of images. This is a sad state of affairs for someone who once wanted to be a writer. I am resolved to try and be mindful and form my words as carefully and joyfully as my images.


ChrisB said...

remember the adage 'A picture is worth a thousand words' so don't beat yourself up about it.

Anonymous said...

Did you feel that way when you were displaying your paintings? Art is art and you are aloud to show it all when you are ready to show it. Right now you are passionate about the photography, so I say go for it. Soon you'll be ready to work on words again or in oils or wool. You create the best things when your subject excites you. Don't sacrifice that.

neroli said...

Dear Artist,
Show us the images when there are images; give us the words when there are words. It's warp, it's weft; dear one, it's your cloth to hold, fold, let fly in the wind on the washline...

neroli said...

PS---form is emptiness, emptiness is form---often a component of any good Buddhist housecleaning kit, yes?

AfKaP said...

Chris B - I did not mean it in a self critical way - but rather as a step to growth. (grin)

Min - Don't worry the passion is there and i will follow it!

Neroli - Yes -but empty words are not formless and formless words - hmm something to paly with!