Wednesday 13 June 2007

A Day in the Garden

Recently I have been lamenting my lack of motivation in terms of my art and writing, so I made a plan for the day and was determined to be virtuous and good. I got up at a reasonable hour (already an accomplish- ment for me) and actually did my yoga (and not just the 20 minute routine, but the full 40 minute work out!) I got a nice high protein breakfast of eggs (and then the plan started to go awry a bit because I had a bowl of cereal on top of a full meal! (But that was okay, I would now simply have to get on my bicycle and then start writing!!) That was the plan. Somehow I turned on the computer and after hours of looking at blogs and thinking, I ate lunch and with passing time felt increasingly morose and unmotivated. By this time it had gotten hot and even more humid and a bike ride seemed like a literal trip to the inferno and I was too tired to write. My sister says one should always have aplan B that is something along the lines of sit around the house, eat chips and contemlate the state of the universe. Shaking myself up a bit I decided to change the plan and so I turned to the plants i had purchased last weekend and set in a little box at the edge of the garden. They needed transplanting, so I spent the late afternoon finding each an appropariate home in the garden. I tucked some sedums in the front yard and repotted the elephant ear along with a coleus and a purple leaved begonia. I spent time thinking aobut the textures and colors of several plants to put in pots for bare places and ultimately this was a very satisfying experience and a reminder that it is okay not to stick to the plan sometimes. Tomorrow I am going to get up and go biking and then spend the morning at writing (but then again if it is too hot or life is too bothersome I could always follow plan B ...)


neroli said...

Wonderful. Time spent in the moment when you are able to recognize it as such---a nice gift!
Just as virtuous. Just as good.
Just one way of using that broom you wrote of earlier...

Unknown said...

Hi, P.W, that looks good.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan to me. I like the cereal on top of breakfast just sounds right. I think that's how dessert was born.

AfKaP said...

Neroli - I guess I'm a woman of easy virtue!

John G- RThanks so much for visiting! Hope you'll come again. It is so thrilling to have some one from the other side of the world!

Min-n Yes, this is my preferred dessert until they change the sugar levels next week! I figure it is better than cookies (but maybe not skinny cow icecream sandwiches!)

Debbie said...

"The best laid plans..."

I have days like that, too. :)

AfKaP said...

Unfortunately EVERY day seems to be like that, Debbie!