Friday 15 June 2007


Looks old and worn out and never did a lick of work over its lifetime. Sounds like some people I know!~



Pamela said...

in my mind I see cascading water as the wheel churns through the blue lagoon....

AfKaP said...

This "Old Pecan Mill" that my sister and I encountered in our photo safari in Houston may have actually been functional somewhere once, but it sits in front of an office complex and I almost think it was built as a decoration (probably a few decades ago).

Heather said...

hey, thanks for visiting me! you know, i must confess, i haven't done a play in a year since i picked up novel writing. i did go back and change my profile. i still love the medium and would like to go back to it someday.
nice to meet you!

ChrisB said...

I prefer to think that it was once functional -like Pamela says that conjures up a beautiful image.