Sunday 20 May 2007

Sunday Birding at Koinonia

Saturday evening we went out to see if we could catch a few more birds in the meadow. We saw a gold finch up in the top of an spruce tree here.

My camera really doesn't have the lens for these far away birds, but at least you can get a sense of how beautiful the finch was against the darkness of the foliage.

This is the honeysuckle that is in full bloom all around the area.

The woods yielded many opportunities for photographs. This is some more of the honeysuckle.

I thought I should also get a few shots of some of the birders who welcomed me into their ranks.

They are a really fun group of people.

There were all these caterpillars crossing the road as we came back from the Saturday evening walk.

After dinner we were entertained by a nature photographer who explained his methods and pictures at length.

The next day, I could not resist joining the Methodist birders for just one more look. We went out early in the morning (about 6:30 AM) but unfortunately the temperature had dropped drastically and the wind was fierce, so the birds were reluctant to come out and show themselves to us.

This is a redstart that let us look at him or her for a very long time, but of course I still did not get a very good picture.

Bob Janssen got out the big scope so we could take a look at a tern close up. It was such a wonderful experience!!

1 comment:

ChrisB said...

How lovely to have honeysuckle growing everywhere and to see so many beautiful coloured birds. We don't have many wild exotic birds.