Sunday 27 May 2007

Graduation Day

These are crummy images of the graduation, because it was so darka nd we were too far away, but Violet could not be seen any way. She was between two really tall people and she sat back in her chair, so all we could see most of the time was the top of her mortar board occasionally.

Here she is waliking up to the line to get her diploma. (She is the shortest fuzzy person near the middle of the photo.)

Here we are celebrating. You can tell the waiters at the japanese restaurants wre real impressed with us.

It was, however, a fun celebration.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Any celebration that includes impromptu ram horns is bound to be a good one.

ChrisB said...

Looks like you had fun, pity the graduation photos were a bit fuzzy. Do they take a nice formal photo ?

Anonymous said...

Sure you put up pictures of me in my anntenae, but none of your silly hat. I'll take care of that.

Anonymous said...


Um, sorry I missed you while you were in Houston!

AfKaP said...

Jen - Harumph!

Chrisb - Yeah there were professionals who took beautiful pricey prictures!

Min - I don't even have one of my hat. Sorry I caught you au naturel!

Steph - sorry to miss you - It was a very quick trip!