Saturday 5 May 2007

Lizard Challenge

My multi-talented, oh so versatile, artist friend Esoterica has been doing fantastic things with photoshop. She recently produced a picture that I just couldn't understand and so when I challenged her on it, she sent me a copy of her original. After some discussion of the composition with her and looking at the image for awhile, I decided to see what I could do with the same image. Here is the original image.

I had suggested she needed a focal point for her image. Easier said than done! This is how I mangled it in photoshop. Stillno clear focal point!

It later morphed into this:

Here is her beautiful version. Much better than mine!!

Okay, So here is the challenge!! A lizard a day for a week. (Let's see what we can do with this single image, doing one photoshopped image a day. We can analyze and discuss the images - what works, what doesn't and why and see how many different and interesting things might come from playing with asingle image! (It doesn't have to be complicated - just address the questions and issues that we discuss on our blogs. Anyone else that happens by is welcome to join in!)

Her blog is a little wonky sometimes so I'll be glad to post her images here along with comments. I'll link anyone else who might want to take up the challenge! Artist's of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your inhibitions!


Anonymous said...

We're supposed to put more lizards in it or just move around the ones that are there?

AfKaP said...

You can do either!! Just use whate3ver is in the original photo and your favorite photo modification program!

ChrisB said...

I am going to give this a go when I get a few minutes to play.