Sunday 1 April 2007

Sunday Painting

Well, I only painted for half an hour yesterday, so today I got a bit more serious - but not much. I started to work on the newest painting, but soon found myself drawn back to the three girls on the donkeys. I'm not sure why I feel so unfocussed on the left hand side of the set of paintings I am doing - (maybe I do know why - after all the faces and portraits call to me much more than the landscapes).

The picture above is still very vague (after three painting sessions!! It is coming along, but needs a lot of work.

The Three Girls on the donkeys (and horses I suspect) is almost finished. There are a few little things that need to be corrected, but I got to the point today where everything I worked on looked worse than before I worked on it, so I knew it was time to quit (three corrections earlier!!!) Anyway - here is what I did for today!

I may want to work on the last girl's gaze- I want all three to be looking directly at the viewer. I also need to work on the donkey's tail (still) and the hands.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I like this next one a lot. I feel like a voyeur. The donkey one is good the way it is. Please don't kill it.
You did good work today (and yesterday).

AfKaP said...

Yes, I'm glad you've got the sense of voyeurism - I have been working hard to have images that look back at the viewer - as if the actors have been interrupted in what they are doing and are staring out at the viewer. I hope this one turns out - we'll see what happens with it in a day or two.

ChrisB said...

I do find it interesting watching the faces develop

Anonymous said...

You know, you're a beautiful artist. Someday, when I'm not buying diapers anymore, I hope to be able to purchase some of your work. Really.

Now, when are your going to finish your sister's bathroom? Just askin'. And, no, she didn't put me up to it. I just feel obliged to have her back, ya know.

AfKaP said...

Stephanie thank you so very much! Today was a perfect day to receive such a nice compliment - I amd barely functioning from sleep deprivation and feeling rather monstrous!

(And min won't let me finish the painting - she likes the tomb-like quality as is!)