Wednesday 4 April 2007

Fourth Painting in the Series

Well, here is an abrupt change in my series. My teacher has been trying to get me to lose the realism (and if she mentions bleepin' Luc Tuyman and his boring palette one more time, I'm going to scream - okay - yes - it is a great palette and he is a fascinating painter - but it's HIS palette - not the one I want for this series) But any way, after deciding to give up on my series all together, I realized I had been released to paint it any way I wanted, The series is dead, long live the series!!!. So here is the most recent image. (...and yes - those are pretty similar to Tuyman's colors - Learn from what people tell you and change everything later!!) Resistance is futile!


Steffi said... painted by yourself?!! Very nice picture!I like it!

I wish you "Happy Easter!"

AfKaP said...

Hi, Steffi - I'm not sure what you mean about painting by myself - I don't usually paint on other people - but yeah - I did paint by myself. Happy Easter to you too!

Anonymous said...

oh, my dear, you are working wonderfully! I love this one; the best one yet---it is completely itself. I think I've finally figured out this commenting process! Thank you for the lovely images; it is so generous to of you to share your work with us.

AfKaP said...

Thanks, Neroli, You are probably right - but it feels a little Dufy-ish!