Tuesday 23 October 2007

Fun Monday, Okay Tuesday!

Willowtree's fun Monday exercise was too much fun to pass up this week and although I am late, I decided to join in. I don't have time to search out my more artistic hand-batiked clothing right now - so instead you get something I wear almost
every single day - because I like the graphic so much. It is my zipper-front hoodie.Here it is in all its glory.

The back says:

In case you can't read it, it says, "If you kill the brain, you kill the ghoul!" and it is a reference to George Romero's Night of the Living Dead and zombies, that can best be killed by bashing in their brains. One day I had a very nice lady on a Christian retreat walk up to me and admire the saying. I looked at her with surprise (since she had introduced herself and identified her conservative religious affiliation (I was on my writer's retreat at the same place.)) "It is so true." she said, "If you kill the brain, you kill the soul." I backed away from her carefully so she wouldn't have a chance at a second reading. Same thing really, right?


ChrisB said...

Very amusing~ good job she didn't realise her mistake!

Nessa said...

Ghoul, soul - sure; D

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly, even brain dead people have souls. I'm not even sure that souls can be killed...only lost or broken.

Pamela said...

Easy mistake...I think...

Unknown said...

Sure, smae thing, uh-huh. ;)

Tiggerlane said...

How funny!! I think some of the more religious teachers at school react to my kiddo's hoodies in horror...oh well! She is a Hot Topic girl, all the way!