Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Cheaper Than Heroin

But twice the fun! Well, MAYBE cheaper than heroin. I'm a little afraid to add it all up.  I'm actually starting to wonder if I have a little problem. My sister has been suggesting there might be a twelve step program somewhere I need to join.  I didn't buy any plants today, not really. Well, actually, I did buy a little one - well no, not a little one - but only one, so it doesn't count, right? (And yeah, I actually did go to a nursery - but I left EMPTY HANDED!! (Come to think of it I went to two nurseries today, but I bought mulch and concrete pavers at the second one and I only got that one teeny, tiny, little ten gallon hibiscus plant - OKAY!! It was a TREE( but.... it was on sale. )

So all that steely will power should count for something, after all, bushes and conifers were 40% off! So I was very temperate today  ... except ... sigh, I also got some plants I ordered in the mail, so I guess I'll start tomorrow over at day one.

But yes, there has been more progress in the garden. With the pavers I began to encircle the new raised circular bed. I think this garden is turning out pretty nicely.

It (Garden R on the Plan) definitely looks better with the edge around it, although as you can see I don't have enough pavers for the second row, so (GASP) I'm going to have to go back to the Garden Center. (I know you think I intentionally bought an insufficient quantity just so I could once again descend into the den of iniquity, but I honestly had no idea how many pavers I would need to complete the circle. I forgot to get batteries anyway, so I'll pick some up along with whatever trees and bushes manage to jump into my cart next time around.)

I also spent a bit of time weeding the second level of the Tier garden (Garden G). It had begun to look pretty wild and although I didn't do a terribly thorough job, I pulled out most of the grass and some of the strawberries that had jumped from the upper (3rd) level. You'll scoff, I know, when I say I didn't have enough plants to fill this tier, but I did do a fairly good job of scrounging. I transplanted some daisies from the front yard and some purple phlox that had somehow rudely shown up in the red and white garden.There's just no such thing as an exclusive club anymore, is there?

There were a few balsam plants that had reseeded from last year and I was able to move some of those over and then all 8 remaining annuals from my big spree went in the front area to try and add some color.  I swiped a little bit of lamb's ear from the woodland garden and will hope that these smaller specimens will fill in a bit by next year. (I also set a couple of pots of annuals in the bed to give a little height and to try and fill the void.) It isn't perfect, but it looks quite a bit better (and customer appreciation day is coming up at my local nursery, so there is always hope for a new supply of recruits!)

There were some day lilies left over from better years and as you see from this side shot the addition of mulch makes it look like a real garden. (Notice I cut off the right side of the picture where the untouched wild strawberries prowl.)

I have to admit, I think I am powerless. Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change! Do you think I should make a list of all the plants I've harmed? I am perfectly willing to make amendments to the soil. Gosh, I'd better get back over to that nursery right away!

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