Saturday 2 January 2016

Holiday Pop-Ups

My sister wanted books on Paper cutting for a holiday gift and while I was perusing possibilities on Amazon I happened upon books on making pop-ups and before long I was hooked.  So of course I made pop up cards for holiday gifts.

I tried to do one suited for each couple I was gfting.  I made this one for my mother who is a professional artist. It was supposed to be artistic, but it turned out sort of weird.

For my sister that got the paper cutting books I did this one with pigs.


For my niece and her husband I did a Super Mario themed portrait. There is also a mystery science theater element I added to the front.

For my spousal unit D. I made a portrait of our family. 


We are sitting in front of our front window watching the woodpeckers on the suet feeder. It is hard to tell, but there are four layers.

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