Sunday 14 September 2014

The Road from Inverness

All too soon it was time to leave Inverness.  I had to model one of my new sweaters in the mirror before we left!

I have to thank Violet for the idea of going to Inverness. It was by far the highlight of our trip to Scotland. We said goodbye to the B & B's beautiful hydrangeas and  prepared for our train ride to Edinburgh.

In the train station we met a variety of Scottish dogs. Violet has the family affinity for the canine.

We boarded the train which was comfortable and fairly full.

Once on the train we discovered that the Scottish countryside was varied and nuanced.

We were seated across from a lovely Scottish couple who told us a lot about the places we were seeing and who also exchanged trivia with us about old television shows and films.

I'm including some of the pictures of the grogeous countryside that we passed. 

Occasionally there was a brook and of course a little village.

Sometimes the terrain was rough and rather  inhospitable, but still beautiful.

I was going to leave this image out but then I noticed the little blue and white speck on the left side.  (If you click on the image you can enlarge it).  That is the sign of a vote for independence. We'd been seeing it all over and not realizing what we had been seeing. (By next Thursday they will have voted and it will be interesting to see what happens.)

The mountains were beautiful.


We passed this interesting little monument very quickly and I wondered what it was.

I love the varied palette of colors in the Scottish hills.

This was a station clock at the stop before Edinburgh.

And then we could see the Firth of Forth.

There are large craggy rocks and mountains jutting out of the water.

This is the bridge into Edinburgh. The couple near us told us that this is the bridge that  Richard Hannay jumps out onto in Hitchcock's The 39 Steps.  I was terribly excited to see this bridge!

We arrived at the station ready to experience some more new adventures.

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