Friday 27 September 2019

Flight to Ireland

On August 20th I boarded a plane in Minneapolis and headed off to Europe.  I had a stop over in Boston, which I thought was kind of exciting.  Left again at night and caught this image as we departed.

I love taking pictures out of airplane windows.  There is something so trippy and unreal about what you see.

 Here is Ireland when we were close to arrival.

On my way into town I saw these bicycles hanging up and thought they looked kind of cool.

Headed towards my room I saw these familiar people.

Here is a close up.

I stayed at Trinity College. Here is a view of the campus. This is the man that eventually let women into the College. He said he would do it over his dead body, and he died just before convocation in the year that he finally was forced to let women in!

There is a rumor that if you are under the bell tower when it rings, that you won't graduate from Trinity, so students don't like to walk under there just in case.

I took a tour of Trinity campus. They have student guides who wear the traditional gowns (but they fade in the son, so instead of being black they are brown.)

This is the main square of the campus.

At night when the tourists leave you can actually get a nice shot of the campus.

Of course I had to go see the book of Kells. and the Long Room in the library.

The Long Room is very impressive. (Unfortunately more impressive than the page I got to see in the Book of Kells (which was mostly just writing and some weird angel-like creature.)

They catalogue the books by size (because it makes the shelves more stable tohave the big books at the bottom.

This is one of the oldest harps of Ireland.

This is hte famous Molly Malone statue in the center of town.

And finally this is my room at Trinity College; small but all that I needed for my time in Dublin.

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