Friday 13 July 2018

The Road to Delphi

We spent a lot of time in the bus, but the road provided lots of interesting things to look at.

But first I have a few random pictures from our last stop. We had been seeing a lot of European Magpies and I wanted to try and get a shot of one. This one is blurry, but you can see the characteristic white markings.

We saw this beautiful thistle that looksan awful lot like an artichoke. I'm guessing it was one.

Greece has a variety of roof ornaments, from birds, to puppets to these clay corner pieces. (There is also a chickadee on the wire.)

Just a picturesque imag eof the corner of a building.

I am relatively certain that we travelled the road on the rightside of the map.  and not the blue highlighted path.

That is supported by this shot at the beginning that has water on the left.

For most of the trip the wate ris on the right side of the bus.

There were absolutely stunning views of the sea.

I believe we had passed these weird maritine structures before.

It got to be lunch time so we stopped for gas and a meal at a little town with a grocery store, a garage and a bakery. The bakery had amazing things including these buttery rings that came in sweet and savory flavors.

There were also treats that I was more familiar with like Baklava and  Kataifi.

We passed a number of Greek Orthodox churches of course,

... but also a lot shrines which fascinated my roommate. This is for you, Jo.

We were curious about what was inside these roadside shrines. Here you can see that there are icons inside this little white one.

I think this one is a mail box!

Eventually the sea disappeared and the primary feature became the mountains with their windy roads.

This purple brush on the side os barren hills was lovely.

This was a very picturesque town that we passed through.

and then there were more mountains...

Sometimes there was fog or low hanging clouds.

Sometimes what struck me was the orange brown rock beneath the vegetation.

We headed on toward Delphi eager to have a chance to ask the Oracle our pressing questions!

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