Monday, 30 December 2013
Holiday Cat Gifts
So I ambitiously thought I could get 5 of these done before gift-giving-time, but only managed to get 4 done. I can't say that I'm thrilled with them anyway. They are from the Knit Your Own Cat book by Joanna Osborne and Sally Muir. I have to say the idea is grey and the authors did a lot of work on these, but I still found the directions a bit inconsistent. (Like is the left side of the cat from the cat's perspective or mine when looking at it?)
The last cat is gigantic and doesn't sit right. (It is as large as my Persian cat, other cats are smaller - as you can see the size is a bit inconsistent.)

Below is a preview of our holiday trip. We each had to make our own hat out of wrapping paper. This is what I ended up with.

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Labels: Knit Your Own Cat, Muir, Osborne, Wrapping paper hat
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Quick Knitting Project for a Gift
Here is a quick scarf I knit up for a friend. Spousal unit D loves this kind of scarf because of it's versatility. His grandmother made him one of these a million years ago and I have been reproducing them periodically over the years. Her's is still the best, but because they can be used to cover the face bandito-style or worn about the neck and snugged up by putting one end through the other end's keyhole part, the are just great for Minnesota cold.
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Labels: Bow Tie Scarf, Keyhole Scarf, knitting
Random Autumn Photos from the last month or so
December is always a murderously busy month for me. As we near the end of the year and the miserably cold temperatures of central Minnesota, it seems like a good time to look back at some of the charming moments over the last few months and be thankful. Here without too much by way of explanation are some pictures that didn't make it into the blog, but which make me feel warm inside on a day when we have barely crept above zero.
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Wednesday, 4 December 2013
People at the Film History Conference, Madison
Here are some shots of Madison. While we were there it got sunnier, but also colder. There was a hitching post outside the hotel that was fascinating.
Here's what the town looks like in the sunshine.
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Labels: Film and History Conference 2013, Madison, wisconsin
Post-Thanksgiving Guests
I looked out the window this morning and noticed we had 14 guests.
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Labels: Thanksgiving, wild turkeys
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Saturday, 23 November 2013
More Madison
Madison has some lovely new architecture. This library has gorgeous design elements. Including an amazing ceiling. It turns out it was designed by a Minneapolis firm Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. along with Potter Lawson, Inc. of Madison
I don't know if you can tell, but it says library up the side of the building (right in the middle.)

Look at the ceiling in the picture above. It is really pretty.
The art center was designed by Cesar Pelli and is absolutely stunning. They have a fountain of lights hanging down from the dome.
The staircase has a pair of jagged light bars down the stairwell.
In another part of the building is a gift shop, and the contemporary art museum. They were celebrating their triennial. These stairs up to the gallery are glass.
And here am I in a Hotel mirror.
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Friday, 22 November 2013
A Trip to Madison
Here's the Concourse Hotel an independently owned hotel in Madison. I like it. My room is a little blemished and old. My vinyl chair has worn off-color spots, but the room is clean and nice.
It was built in the early 1900s and is the only Capitol building built on an isthmus. There is a statue on the top of a personified Wisconsin. The capitol is very lavish inside has a dome with halls leading off in each of hte directions of the compass and with round chambers.
here is a large mural on the ceiling. The whole building is modeled on the Doge's palace in Venice.
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Labels: Madison, Wisconsin Capitol building