Monday 15 February 2010

Of Hair and Change

Okay, I confess, I've been watching the Charmed ones on DVD and I was really taken by Alyssa Milano's hair in the 6th season. (The season itself was kind of lame - very preoccupied with kidnapping the new baby. I got REAL tired of baby episodes, but the hair and make-up were really good!) I dreamed of looking like this:

I took an old picture and did a cut and paste job - and it looked really great!

My hair has been plaguing me of late - limp, dry, thin - in short boring and hard to manage.   So, anyway, after not much thought, I went and had all my hair chopped off. Unfortunately without magic there was no way to make me look like Alyssa Milano.

I think when it grows out a tiny bit, it will probably look pretty good.


Anonymous said...

I like the haircut very much!

Minnesota Pilgrim said...

Wow! You haven't aged a bit and this cut suits you! I had this EXACT haircut right after I left CSB and I loved it..until it started to grow out. I looked like a Romanian gymnast from the 1980s or a walking q-tip.