Sunday 16 May 2010

Look Who's Here!

Yes, It's the confusing Spring Warblers!!!

Or maybe they're vireos?

  am confused!!  Is this really all the same species of birds? Where are the cape May warblers and the black and whites and everyone else.

I know I saw a yellow rump out there, but I only seem to be able to photograph these guys!

I love the chattering sound as they feed on the evergreen blossoms.

Whatever they are they are cute and very active!

I'm hoping will get more variety in a couple of days.

In the mean time, though, I'm happy!! It means Spring is really here!


The expert says Tennessee Warblers:

Looks right to me (This image from Wikipedia)

1 comment:

Pamela said...

wonderful!! I love your spring warbler.

The yellow warblers have returned here -- and I've seen an orange crowned warbler. I'd love to come see your warblers, too!