Saturday 19 July 2008


I may have mentioned that I have thrown my hat in to the vegetable garden ring this year (again) - of course it usually gets trampled by a herd of deer or chewed up by gophers, and this year the weather isn't really cooperating. It has just been so cool that things haven't grown as quickly as (I think) they should.

Here is my one measly triumph!

Did you see it?

Here it is again.

I have a little window box on the veranda where the animals can't get to it and I have one teeny tiny little cherry tomato. There are a couple of blossoms on the real tomato plants too (out in the regular garden), but since I am leaving for Japan in less than 6 weeks, I will probably never see them come to fruition. I have my hopes for this little tomato, though. Even though it already has a blemish!

In the mean time my nervous energy has gone into this sock.

I've sure ripped it out a lot of times, but I'm either getting used to the way it looks or starting to like it. I sure don't know how I'll ever knit a second one with an even vaguely similar design!


ChrisB said...

You are having about as much luck with your tomatoes as we are with our four plants~the weather is all wrong this year.

Mis-matched socks are all the rage(I read) you can even buy packs so no need to worry about matching the pattern! :)

Anonymous said...

I actually have tomatoes this year. Of course they have been green for weeks. I don't think I will ever see them ripen. My green beans are doing well. That is if you count the 12 beans that sprouted. How can I make 12 beans into a dinner?

Pamela said...

so - do you think you'll make its mate?? just curious (:

I have one almost ripe tomato!!
We've been eating zucchini out of our ears.

AfKaP said...

ChrisB, Yes, My original intention was to make he mate with inverse colors, but I doubt I have thta much control. No doubt the mate will be quite mismatched!

Nikki, Yes, I have those same beans! I think maybe I'll make them a crunchy topping for another vegetable dish!

Pamela - I will make the mate, because these are planned as a gift!

Beckie said...

I have tomatoes coming out of my ears - do you want some? It is hit and miss some years with me and tomatoes.

I just thought I would drop by and say hi - it has been ages since I have been over to see what you are doing.

formerly known as GiveItaTry

Tracy said...

Hi. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Your tomato plant looks great. You may get a tomato or two befor you leave for Japan. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Take care.